/Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
Read MoreOne time I was invited to a party on a Saturday night and had the horrible debacle of having to choose an outfit for a roomful of strangers that I had to make my friends – or at least amicable acquaintances. Cue my heart racing, sweaty palms, a pile full of clothes that would not do, and me eating a tub of peanut butter instead of going out to socialize.
Although it doesn’t always feel like it, anxiety is a pretty ubiquitous human emotion. Beck (1976), the father of CBT, has even said it’s a mark of man’s humanness. On the upside, this would seem to suggest that we are not alone in having to kung-fu our away around managing anxiety.
Read MoreKN Therapy is a mental health practice located in midtown Toronto. We specialize in individual, couples and online counselling, and help people with anxiety, depression, anger, work/life balance and communication skills. Evening and weekend appointments are available.